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With regard to the internet, authors have so many places for readers and fans to interact with them.

But why so many? Answer: for both visibility and availability.

I get it. With so many options it can get confusing, and that holds true even for us. The problem is, there isn't just one answer. There's no panacea, no single, perfect way to interact with everyone. Not everyone uses Facebook, understands Twitter, bothers with Instagram, or enjoys scouring through emails day in and day out.

The only way for us to reach everyone is to utilize every method available.

Below is a slideshow list of the methods I use. Each picture contains a link.

this website


You're already here, so no need to explain. This site is the landing zone for everything I do, the one place I can send everyone and link everything to. Here you'll find my latest updates, links for my email list sign-up and a page to order signed and shipped paperbacks; along with a bunch of other info I add and update as time allows.

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